Types Of Solar Panels: Which One Is The Best Choice?
Types Of Solar Panels: Which One Is The Best Choice?
There are three main types of solar panels used in solar projects: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film.
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Each kind of solar panel has different characteristics, thus making certain panels more suitable for different types of solar installations.
Luckily, weve created a complete guide to help you differentiate each type of panel, and help you decide which type is right for your home.
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Key takeaways
There are three different types of solar panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film.
Monocrystalline solar panels are highly efficient and have a sleek design, but come at a higher price point than other solar panels.
Polycrystalline solar panels are cheaper than monocrystalline panels, however, they are less efficient and arent as aesthetically pleasing.
Thin film solar panels are the cheapest, but have the lowest efficiency rating and require a lot of space to meet your energy needs.
The brand of solar panels and the solar installer you choose is far more important than which type of solar panel you install.
Three types of solar panels
1. Monocrystalline
Monocrystalline solar panels are the most popular solar panels used in rooftop solar panel installations today.
Monocrystalline silicon solar cells are manufactured using something called the Czochralski method, in which a seed crystal of silicon is placed into a molten vat of pure silicon at a high temperature.
This process forms a single silicon crystal, called an ingot, that is sliced into thin silicon wafers which are then used in the solar modules.
2. Polycrystalline
Polycrystalline panels, sometimes referred to as multicrystalline panels, are popular among homeowners looking to install solar panels on a budget.
Similar to monocrystalline panels, polycrystalline panels are made of silicon solar cells. However, the cooling process is different, which causes multiple crystals to form, as opposed to one.
Polycrystalline panels used on residential homes usually contain 60 solar cells.
3. Thin-film
Thin film solar cells are mostly used in large-scale industrial and utility solar installations because of their lower efficiency ratings, but you can purchase portable thin-film solar panels from BougeRV.
Thin film solar panels are made by depositing a thin layer of a photovoltaic substance onto a solid surface, like glass. Some of these photovoltaic substances include Amorphous silicon (a-Si), copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), and cadmium telluride (CdTe). Each of these materials creates a different type of solar panel, however, they all fall under the thin film solar cell umbrella.
During the manufacturing process, the photovoltaic substance forms a thin lightweight sheet that is, in some cases, flexible.
Solar panel type by performance
Highest performance: Monocrystalline
Efficiency ratings of monocrystalline solar panels range from 17% to 22%, earning them the title of the most efficient solar panel type. The higher efficiency rating of monocrystalline panels makes them ideal for homes with limited roof space, as youll need fewer panels to generate the electricity you need.
Monocrystalline solar panels have their manufacturing process to thank for being so efficient. Because monocrystalline solar cells are made of a single crystal of silicon, electrons are able to easily flow throughout the cell, increasing overall efficiency.
Not only do monocrystalline panels have the highest efficiency ratings, they typically also have the highest power capacity ratings, as well. Most monocrystalline panels on the market today will have a power output rating of at least 320 watts, but can go up to around 375 watts or higher!
Mid-tier performance: Polycrystalline
Polycrystalline panel efficiency ratings will typically range from 15% to 17%. The lower efficiency ratings are due to how electrons move through the solar cell. Because polycrystalline cells contain multiple silicon cells, the electrons cannot move as easily and as a result, decrease the efficiency of the panel.
The lower efficiency of polycrystalline panels also means they tend to have a lower power output than monocrystalline panels, usually ranging between 240 watts and 300 watts. 300 watt solar panels aren't seen as often in residential applications, but some polycrystalline panels have power ratings above 300 watts.
However, new technologies and manufacturing processes have given the efficiency and power ratings of polycrystalline panels a slight boost over the years, slowly closing the performance gap between mono and polycrystalline panels.
Lowest performance: Thin-film
Thin-film solar panels have incredibly low efficiency ratings. As recently as a few years ago, thin-film efficiencies were in the single digits. Researchers have recently achieved 23.4% efficiency with thin film cell prototypes but thin-film panels that are commercially available generally have efficiency in the 1013% range.
In order to meet your energy needs, you would need to install more thin-film panels over a large area to produce the same amount of electricity as crystalline silicon solar panels. This is why thin-film solar panels dont really make sense for residential installations where space is limited.
Fun fact! Thin film panels have the best temperature coefficients!
Despite having lower performance specs in most other categories, thin film panels tend to have the best temperature coefficient, which means as the temperature of a solar panel increases, the panel produces less electricity. The temperature coefficient tells you how much the power output will decrease by for every 1°C over 25°C the panel gets.
The standard temperature coefficient for mono and polycrystalline panels typically falls somewhere between -0.3% and -0.5% per °C. Thin film panels, on the other hand, are around -0.2% per °C, meaning thin film panels are much better at handling the heat than other panel types.
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Solar panel type by cost
Highest cost: Monocrystalline panels
Monocrystalline panels are the most expensive of the three types of solar panels because of their manufacturing process and higher performance abilities.
However, as manufacturing processes and solar panel technology in general has improved, the price difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels has shrunk considerably. According to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, monocrystalline solar panels now sell for just about $0.05 per watt higher than polycrystalline modules.
Mid-cost: Polycrystalline panels
Historically, polycrystalline panels have been the cheapest option for homeowners going solar, without majorly sacrificing panel performance. Low prices allowed polycrystalline panels to make up a significant market share in residential solar installations between and .
But as we said earlier, the price gap between monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels is narrowing. Now, more homeowners are willing to pay a slightly higher price to get significantly better efficiency and power ratings from monocrystalline panels.
Lowest cost: Thin-film panels
Thin film solar panels have the lowest cost of the solar panel types, largely because they are easier to install and require less equipment. However, they also have much lower performance abilities and require a substantial amount of space to generate enough electricity to power a home.
Plus, thin film panels degrade much faster than other panel types, meaning they need to be replaced more often, which leads to more long-term recurring costs.
Solar panel type by appearance
Most attractive: Thin film panels
Thin film panels have a clean, all-black look. Their thin design allows them to lie flat against roofs, so they are able to blend in more seamlessly. In fact, with some thin film panels, its hard to even see the individual cells within the panel. They also tend to have less wiring and busbars, meaning theres less white space.
However, because they are so inefficient, you would need to cover your entire roof in thin film panels - which may or may not be your style.
Mid-tier appearance: Monocrystalline panels
Monocrystalline panels have a solid black appearance, making them pretty subtle on your roof. But, the way monocrystalline solar cells are shaped causes there to be quite a bit of white space on the panel. Some manufacturers have worked around this with black packing or shaping the cells differently, but these aesthetic changes can impact both the price and performance of the panels.
Overall, monocrystalline panels still look sleek, but theyre a bit more pronounced than thin film panels.
Worst appearance: Polycrystalline panels
Polycrystalline panels tend to stick out like a sore thumb. The process in which polycrystalline solar cells are manufactured causes the cells to have a blue, marbled look. This means each individual polycrystalline panel looks substantially different from the one next to it. Most homeowners arent too keen on the aesthetics of polycrystalline panels.
Fun fact! Crystalline panels are more durable than thin film
Thin film panels tend to have lower wind and hail ratings than mono and polycrystalline panels. So, while thin film panels might look nice at first, one bad storm could cause significant damage.
What is the best type of solar panel for your home?
Monocrystalline solar panels are the best solar panel type for residential solar installations.
Although you will be paying a slightly higher price, youll get a system with a subtle appearance without having to sacrifice performance or durability. Plus, the high efficiency and power output ratings you get with monocrystalline panels can provide you with better savings over the lifetime of your system.
If youre on a tight budget, polycrystalline panels might make more sense for you. We do not recommend thin film solar panels for residential installations - their performance and durability dont make the low cost worth it, and its unlikely youll have nearly enough space to install the number of thin film panels you would need to cover your household electricity usage.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit ORIENT.
Additional reading:The 9 Step Guide to The Electroplating Process | APC
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Heres a quick summary to help you choose the right one for your home!
Monocrystalline solar panels
Characterized by smooth, black appearance and high-quality silicon
Occupy less space and have a longer lifespan
Formed through energy-intensive production process which generates a lot of waste
Carry a higher price tag for installers and consumers
Polycrystalline solar panels
Characterized by visible crystals, more scattered look, and lower-quality silicon
Require slightly more space for producing the same amount of energy as black panels
Less complicated production process with minimal waste production
More affordable
Factors to consider besides solar panel type
There are two things we here at SolarReviews think are more important than solar PV cell type when choosing panels for your home: the brand of solar panels and finding the right solar installer.
Going with a high-quality solar panel manufacturer ensures that youre installing a great product on your roof, regardless of the type of panel it is. Our official ranking of the best home solar panel brands of can help you find what solar panels will work best on your roof without sacrificing quality.
Regardless of which type of solar panel you choose, installing solar to power your home is a sustainable decision that has the following benefits:
Reduces harmful emissions
Get easy financing options for solar panel installation
Claim sales and property tax exemptions
Receive credits for surplus power production
And the most important of all, installing either type of panel will significantly lower your monthly energy bills.
Perhaps the most important thing to consider when going solar is the installer. A solar panel system will be on your roof for at least 25 years, so you need an installer you can trust for two-plus decades! We recommend local, reputable solar installers with high customer review scores, as they give the most personalized customer service on solar projects.
See what local solar installers are charging for solar panel installations
Monocrystalline vs polycrystalline solar panels
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Generally, the domestic solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on todays market use one of two types of technologymonocrystalline silicon or polycrystalline silicon.
There are other kinds of solar panel available but these dont tend to be as common. Most installation companies will give you the choice of monocrystalline (mono) or polycrystalline (poly) and we at YES Energy Solutions are no different!
How silicon is made into solar panels
Silicon has been used in solar technology since the s, largely because there are limitless supplies of it. Over 90% of the Earth's crust consists of minerals that contain silicon. Most of the material in sand, for example, is silicon dioxide, which occurs naturally as quartz.
Sand can be used to produce building materials such as cement and concrete. Quartz rock can be heated in a furnace with carbon to make metallurgical-grade silicon or, when also combined with iron, form an alloy called ferrosilicon. Both are used widely throughout the iron and steel industries.
But while metallurgical-grade silicon can be 99% pure, it still lacks the extreme purity needed for electronics. Refining it further yields a highly pure semiconductorgrade silicon, which can then be broken up to form the raw material (crystalline silicon) for both mono and poly solar panels.
Crystalline silicon is already polycrystalline, in that its made up of lots of tiny crystals. The disorderly structure of these crystals means the silicon is quite grainy, which has implications later in terms of cost (its cheaper) and performance (its less efficient).
The poly silicon is moulded into square ingotsessentially large slabswhich are cut down into smaller bricks. The bricks are sliced into wafers of less than a millimetre thick and then polished, to be used in solar panels and other electronics.
Producing mono silicon requires an additional growing process in which the poly silicon is broken down and recast as a cylindrical ingot. The ingot is composed of a single large crystal rather than many small ones, which means its molecules are more perfectly ordered. Not only does this give the silicon a higher purity, it makes it better at converting sunlight into electricity.
How mono and poly solar panels compare
For a long time, mono silicon was the material of choice for most solar panel installations, having been refined over decades. However, once manufacturers found a less expensive method of productionand saw there was a healthy market for lower-cost, if less efficient, technologypoly solar panels surged in popularity.
Installing solar panels on your home is a financial consideration, in that its about saving money on your energy bills. But when it comes to deciding between mono and poly solar panels, it isnt a small outlay, and so you want to be making an informed decision thats right for you. With this in mind, lets look at both types of solar panels and how they match up to each other.
The more complex production process means mono solar panels are more expensive than their poly counterparts. A lot of manufacturers that make mono panels tend to aim their products at the top end of the market.
But as with most things, a higher price generally means higher quality. And what might seem like a large outlay at first soon becomes a good investment once you start to make savings on your bills.
Because they use higher-quality, single-crystal silicon (see above), mono panels are better at turning solar energy into electricity. No solar panel is ever 100% efficient, but mono panels generally demonstrate the levels of efficiency expected from the latest technology (which, at present, are 15%20%).
Poly panels are typically 14%16% efficient, although recent manufacturing innovations have brought them much closer to the outputs produced by their mono counterparts.
Power and space
If you have a limited amount of roof space, you need a system that will produce as much electricity for your home as possible. Mono panels tend to be more powerful, meaning you can install fewer of them and still achieve an output equal to a larger array of poly panels.
Most solar panel manufacturers give you a 25-year warranty, and this will apply whether you buy mono or poly. However, the silicon that goes into making the panels is durable enough that the panels are likely to last much longer than those 25 years, providing you keep your system well maintained.
Mono panels have that consistent black sheen because of how light falls on the single-crystal silicon surface. Some people find this more pleasing than the speckled blue look that the more crystallised poly panels have (although poly panels can be treated to look matt black and even-coloured).
So which one should you go for?
It might seem like a cop-out, but theres no clear-cut answerit really does rest on your personal preference! Though mono panels still perform better in terms of output and efficiency, they will cost you more. Its also true that advancements in technology have meant that poly panels are quickly catching up when it comes to performance, and many buyers are taking advantage of that narrowing gap.
If youre still unsure about which system is best for you, dont worrywere here to advise you.
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