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Your Position: Home - Solar Energy Products - Understanding the Efficiency of Commercial Solar Panels

Understanding the Efficiency of Commercial Solar Panels

Author: wenzhang1

Sep. 30, 2024

Understanding the Efficiency of Commercial Solar Panels

If your business is looking for ways to cut down on energy costs, you&#;ve likely considered using renewable energy with high efficiency.


While most utility costs can only be reduced through increased efficiency, electricity costs can be reduced by making your own power via a solar energy system. In the case of commercial businesses, rooftop solar utilizes the space on top of your building for solar panels, feeding power into the grid to replace what you take.

But, how much power can you get from an installation? It depends on the effectiveness and efficiency of the commercial solar panels, the power losses from your inverter, and the climate in your area. Each factor impacts the efficiency of commercial solar installations, and ultimately the amount of power you can generate in a given space.

Table of Contents

  • How Are

    Commercial Solar Panels


    • Efficiency Rating

    • Currents

    • Using the Grid

  • Cell Types: Balancing Price, Performance and Weight

    • Monocrystalline Solar Panel



    • Polycrystalline Solar Panel


    • Thin Film Solar Panel


    • Perovskite

      Solar Panel


  • Weather&#;s Impact on Commercial

    Solar Installations

    • Testing

  • Inverters

    and Output

  • When You&#;re Serious About

    Solar Power

    , Call the Experts

How Are Commercial Solar Panels Used?

A commercial solar panel is made up of a series of solar cells, which are wired together and held in a frame. It&#;s photovoltaic technology (or a PV system) panel that generates electricity on a large scale from sunpower. PV cells are usually made from silicon (absorbs photons and releases electrons).

There are a variety of residential panels on the market, but commercial panels mostly use the same size and construction. A standard commercial roof panel is roughly the same size as a piece of plywood and uses 72 cells.

There are also 60-cell and 96-cell panels, depending on the needs or requirements of the commercial building. The number of cells is determined by the desired voltage and current output.

Efficiency Rating

The average panel on the market has 20% conversion efficiency, which means theoretically, 20% of the sunlight (or amount of energy) that hits the panel is converted into electricity. The actual output varies widely depending on the type of cells used, as well as the wiring and the back sheet that goes behind the cells.


Electricity produced by solar panels is direct current. If you&#;re using battery backup power, solar electricity can charge the batteries directly. Both direct solar power and battery power must be converted to alternating current by an inverter before it can be sent to the grid or used by on site appliances.

Using the Grid

Most commercial installations only send power to the grid. This electricity is measured by a meter, and subtracted from the power the building draws from the grid, reducing the total electric bill. Since your building still gets its power from the grid, there is no change in how it operates. If the utility allows net metering, they pay for excess power. Depending on local laws and agreements, this could be as much as the full retail cost of electricity from the utility.

For more on how solar energy production can improve energy bills, check out this resource from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).

Cell Types: Balancing Price, Performance and Weight

The main factor determining a solar system&#;s efficiency is the type of solar cells used in the panels. Since all commercial panels are roughly the same size, output for each panel scales with cell efficiency. Today, panels are dominated by the following cell technologies: monocrystalline solar panels, polycrystalline solar panels, thin-film solar panels and perovskite solar cells.

Monocrystalline Solar Panel Modules

A monocrystalline cell is made out of a single silicon crystal. It&#;s considered the most efficient solar panel type. A single silicon crystal is grown then sliced into thin wafers (which are made into solar cells), then wired together to create a solar panel. Monocrystalline silicon is expensive, but popular with both homeowners and commercial property owners.

Creating a large crystal reduces imperfections, boosting efficiency. Bifacial crystals have two sides, allowing the back to capture light reflected off of the roof or a mirrored back sheet inside the panel. Passive emitter and rear cell (PERC) panels use a second layer of solar cells to capture additional light, boosting efficiency up to 5%.

Depending on how monocrystalline cells are constructed, they have a higher efficiency of solar panels of 20-23%, or somewhere between 300 and 550 watts per panel.

Polycrystalline Solar Panel Modules

This type of solar panel uses crystal fragments instead of solid crystals. This decreases energy efficiency, but it also reduces cost and there&#;s less waste in the growing process. These small crystals are easy to make, and can even be constructed from recycled monocrystalline cells.

On average, polycrystalline cells are 15-17% efficient, so they have a slightly lower efficiency than the monocrystalline, with an energy output of 300-400 watts per panel. Polycrystalline is also a popular choice for commercial and residential owners.

Thin Film Solar Panel Modules

These solar panels are made by depositing a thin layer of photovoltaic material on a substrate, like plastic or glass. This makes them significantly lighter than silicon cell-based panels, allowing them to be used on light roof structures, including metal roofs.

There are three materials used to create thin film cells. Copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) is 13-15% efficient, Cadmium telluride (CdTe) is 9-11% efficient, and amorphous silicon (a-Si) is 6-8% efficient. Most commercial solar panels use a CdTe coating. Output varies widely across these panels.

Perovskite Solar Panel Modules

These PV cells are new compared to the above-mentioned. They&#;re made using low-cost materials &#; a perovskite later between two electrodes (like titanium dioxide and carbon). Perovskite cells have shown to be higher efficient solar cells than silicon.

It&#;s important to note that there&#;s no &#;best&#; type of solar panel that has the single highest efficiency for all applications. Crystalline cells are known for durability.

Talk with a reputable commercial roofing and solar company to find out if your roof space and structure can support a solar panel, and even learn about tax credits and warranties. The best solar panels will vary from business and even geographic location.

Weather&#;s Impact on Commercial Solar Installations

Part of planning a solar installation is evaluating the amount of sunlight available at the site. The National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) provides historical data on solar radiation across the U.S. This information is used to predict the conditions your solar panel will experience and its expected performance.

Solar panels don&#;t just capture visible light. They also capture infrared and UV light. To estimate power output accurately, calculations have to take into account the full spectrum of solar radiation the cells can capture. This varies depending on the type of cells used.

Resistance in electric circuits increases with heat, which limits the amount of power generated on hot days. Using heat-reflective roofing materials and panels designed for high heat applications increases summer performance.

While clouds can block up to 90% of sunlight, actual losses are far less. Clouds usually limit the amount of solar radiation that reaches the earth, but they also reflect this light back to the ground. During &#;cloud lensing,&#; reflection from the clouds increases local solar radiation, resulting in higher than normal output. Cloud coverage also isn&#;t uniform, causing generation to fluctuate on cloudy days. NSRDB tracks these weather patterns, providing information on predicted average output on cloudy days.


There&#;s a standard test condition (STC), which is a set of standardized conditions manufacturers use to measure solar panel and solar cell efficiency. This allows for a consistent quality of solar cell technology.

Inverters and Output

The efficiency of commercial solar isn&#;t just affected by your choice of commercial solar panels. Some power is lost when the inverter turns direct current (DC) power from solar cells into alternating current (AC) power for the grid. The amount of loss varies depending on voltage, current and temperature. The efficiency curve varies from model to model, but there are a few characteristics common across inverters. They are very inefficient when they&#;re using a small percentage of their capacity, and may even draw more power than they convert.

Solar panel efficiency jumps up to 80% or more by the time the inverter reaches 10% capacity, and reaches nearly 100% efficiency at 20% capacity. From there, efficiency decreases slowly until the inverter reaches full capacity.

Most inverter manufacturers include efficiency information based on the CEC inverter test protocol. This allows an apples-to-apples comparison between inverters, so you can choose the model that best fits the expected average output of your panels.

When You&#;re Serious About Solar Power, Call the Experts

Now you know more about the efficiency of commercial solar panels!

TEMA Roofing Services isn&#;t just an expert commercial roofing company &#; we also offer solar panel installation (which includes equipment, as well as the structural supports and connections you need to support your new panels). Want to see how solar can impact your business, including utility cost reductions, tax incentives and upfront costs? Contact us, and we&#;ll help you plan a system that fits your building(s), your power needs AND your budget.

Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Solar Panels for

A lot hinges on the type of solar panels you choose to install. High-quality panels from a reputable manufacturer can last decades and save you a great deal on electricity costs over the years. On the other hand, panels from manufacturers who prioritize initial cost over long-term performance can leave you with an underperforming system that won&#;t stand up to the test of time. Learning how to choose the best solar panels is an important step in creating a long-lasting, money-saving solar system. First, you&#;ll need to narrow down your aesthetic, budgetary, and energy production goals. Then, you can filter through all the options and end up with the perfect solar panels.

We want to help you make the choice that&#;s right for you and your goals. That&#;s why we&#;ve assembled a list of six things you should consider when selecting your solar panels.

How to Choose the Best Solar Panels - Top 6 Considerations

1. Comparing Solar Panel Types - Monocrystalline vs Polycrystalline

There are two main types of solar panels: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Which one you choose will impact the overall look of your system, its cost, how much electricity it will produce, and how much space your system will cover.

Monocrystalline panels have an overall darker tint to the cells and are typically the more efficient option. Panels with a higher efficiency mean you can produce more electricity with fewer panels, so your overall system takes up less space. However, for all their advantages, monocrystalline panels are often the more expensive option.

Polycrystalline panels have a bluer tint and are typically less efficient than monocrystalline, meaning you&#;d need a few more panels to generate the same amount of electricity. However, they do often come at a lower price, and despite the additional panels you&#;ll need, will likely be the cheaper option. For a more in depth breakdown of cost, check out our complete guide about how much solar panels cost. 

2. Panel Color: The Back Sheet and Frame

Another way you can control the look and price of your solar system is through the selection of backsheet and frame color.

Each panel is composed of several silicon cells that are placed on a back sheet. This back sheet shows through the gaps between the cells and creates a grid-type design. Some manufacturers offer solar panels with black back sheets instead of the typical white.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Polycrystalline 72 Cell Solar Panel. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.

Black back sheets create a more uniform-looking panel that blends into darker roofs. However, black holds heat, so black back sheets may get hotter than traditional panels, which could slightly reduce the panels&#; efficiency.

There are also two options when it comes to the color of the metal frame around the borders of the panels: black and silver. Black frame panels can be more aesthetically appealing but will cost more. Aside from that, both black- and silver-frame panels should perform identically.

3. Determining the Right Solar Panel Size for Your Home or Business

Solar panels come in two different sizes: 60-cell and 72-cell. The size refers to the number of cells (the small, crystalline silicon wafer) on the solar panel. On average, 72-cell panels are about a foot longer than 60-cell panels.

Their larger size makes 72-cell panels better suited for large, wide-open spaces like commercial roofs and ground-mount systems. 60-cell panels are typically better suited to fit in tighter spaces, like on the dormer of a home&#;s roof. However, this isn&#;t a hard and fast rule and will vary from location to location.

Overall, 72-cell panels tend to be more economical, as they generate more electricity per panel than an otherwise identical 60-cell panel.

4. Panel Production: Output Rating and Efficiency

Both the panel&#;s output rating and efficiency will impact how much power it can produce.

The output rating is the three-digit number in the solar panel&#;s name. It represents how many watts of electricity the panel will generate under ideal conditions.

Most panels have a wattage between 250 watts to 400 watts, with a few panels exceeding the 400-watt mark. A higher wattage means more electricity generated per panel, but it will likely mean a higher price tag. Though you&#;ll need fewer panels to reach your generation goals, it likely won&#;t offset the price increase.

However, wattage isn&#;t the only thing to look for. You should also consider the panel&#;s efficiency, which is the percentage of electricity it produces from the energy it receives from the sun.

The more efficient a solar panel is, the more kilowatt-hours of electricity it will produce per watt of power capacity. This is especially important if you&#;re concerned about the amount of space your solar system takes up.

For example, let&#;s compare two 300-watt solar panels: one that&#;s 21% efficient and another that&#;s 17% efficient. Both will produce 300 watts of power under ideal conditions. However, the one that has a higher efficiency will be physically smaller and take up less space than the one that is less efficient. So if you have high electric bills and a small amount of space to install your solar system, you&#;ll want to look for efficient panels.

5. What Kind of Solar Panel Warranty Will You Be Getting?

An important indication of overall panel quality is a robust warranty from the manufacturer. Many high-quality solar panels are guaranteed for 25 to 30 years and can continue working even after their warranty expires.

Purchasing solar panels that will last is essential to the long-term success of your system. The longer your solar panels generate electricity, the more money you save. Purchasing panels backed by a comprehensive warranty will help guarantee their success.

Most manufacturers offer two kinds of warranties: performance and product warranties. The performance warranty assures that the panel will be capable of producing a specified percentage of power during the warranty period despite degradation. The production warranty protects your panels from material or workmanship issues.

6. Overall Quality and Brand Considerations - What Makes a Good Solar Panel?

You want the highest quality solar panels at the best price. However, there are a few important factors to consider when evaluating the quality of a specific solar panel.

To get a true measure of a solar panel&#;s quality, you&#;ll want to look at its guarantee, the manufacturer's reputation, customer reviews, and the panel&#;s technical specifications for efficiency, temperature coefficient, and power tolerance. 

Another way to measure a solar panel brand, though imperfect, is by looking at what &#;tier&#; the solar panel manufacturer falls under. When researching different brands, you&#;ll likely come across lists that separate manufacturers into tier one, and even tier two and three, though there is no formal definition for tiers two and three.

Most assume tier-one solar panel manufacturers tend to be the stronger brands. However, this isn&#;t necessarily the case. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance Corporation (BNEF), the tier system for solar panel manufacturers refers to how bankable a solar company is. While it&#;s fair to reason that a bankable company must have quality products, there are plenty of companies out there that do not meet the tier-one specifications but offer great, high-quality panels. 

Overall Quality

Quality is a comprehensive measure that encompasses several aspects of a solar panel, including:

  • Efficiency: Higher efficiency panels convert more sunlight into electricity, which is especially important in limited space scenarios.
  • Durability: Look for panels that can withstand environmental conditions like high winds, snow loads, and temperature fluctuations. Standards such as IEC can be indicators of durability.
  • Performance in Different Climates: This section addresses how the performance of solar panels can vary in warm climates and the importance of temperature coefficients.

Brand Reputation

The manufacturer's reputation can be a strong indicator of panel quality. Consider the following:

  • History and Experience: Brands with a long history in the industry and a track record of innovation and reliability are often preferable.
  • Financial Stability: A financially stable company is more likely to honor warranties and be around to service any future claims.
  • Customer Reviews and Industry Ratings: Feedback from real users and ratings from industry organizations can provide insight into the brand's reputation and customer satisfaction.

Another way to measure a solar panel brand, though imperfect, is by looking at what &#;tier&#; the solar panel manufacturer falls under. When researching different brands, you&#;ll likely come across lists that separate manufacturers into tier one, and even tier two and three, though there is no formal definition for tiers two and three.

Most assume tier-one solar panel manufacturers tend to be the stronger brands. However, this isn&#;t necessarily the case. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance Corporation (BNEF), the tier system for solar panel manufacturers refers to how bankable a solar company is. While it&#;s fair to reason that a bankable company must have quality products, there are plenty of companies out there that do not meet the tier-one specifications but offer great, high-quality panels.

Choosing the Best Solar Panel for Your Home or Business

While some manufacturers on our list are objectively the &#;best&#; in terms of efficiency, warranty, or price, the panels that are right for you will depend on your specific situation.

You should go with the panel that offers the best value, balancing price with performance and quality. It&#;s about getting a system you&#;re happy with that&#;s cost-effective and has the best ROI. 

Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Assessing Electricity Use: Guide readers on how to assess overall electricity use
  • Assessing Roof Characteristics: Roof characteristics are used to choose the optimal solar panel setup.
  • Cost vs. Efficiency: Discuss how to balance the cost of solar panels with their efficiency to get the best value for your investment.

What are the Best Solar Panels on the Market in ?

There are many solar panel brands, but only a handful have risen to the top for our team at Paradise Energy. 

With 15 years of experience installing solar for thousands of customers, we've gained valuable insight and experience with many panel manufacturers. We use that insight to select the brands that we can confidentially offer our customers. Our top three brands are:

Each of these brands was carefully chosen based on specific performance metrics such as customer service, company standing, and product specifications, including performance, aesthetics, warranties, and pricing.



SEG Solar

Performance Warranty

25 or 30-year linear (85 - 87.5%)

25-year linear (86%)

25 or 30-year (84.8%)

Product Warranty

15 or 30 years

12 - 25 years

15 years





Module Efficiency (%)

19.78 - 21.51%

20.6 - 22.7%

21.48 - 22.53%

Headquarter Location


South Korea

United States

Manufacturing Location

Asia & Europe

Asia & United States

Asia & United States

Manufacturing Tier

Tier 2

Tier 1

Tier 1

Wrapping Up: Choosing the Best Solar Panels in

There&#;s no one-size-fits-all answer to which solar panels are the best. That answer changes based on a variety of factors, like your budget, how much electricity you&#;d like to generate, the space you have to install the system, and what aesthetic concerns you have.

With the sheer amount of options available, this process can be overwhelming. Trying to determine the best combination of panel size, output rating, and efficiency is the most economical for your space, all while ensuring the panels are high quality and backed by extensive warranties takes experience. At Paradise Energy, we&#;ll maximize your budget and space with panels that suit your specific goals, whether that is budgetary, energy-related, aesthetically driven, or a combination of them all.

Are you interested in learning more about 72 Cell Solar Panel for Homes? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!





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