Hardfacing: What is it and how to do it right
Sep. 02, 2024
Hardfacing: What is it and how to do it right
Some people have the idea that hardfacing is a complicated business, intended only for a small elite of welding pros. Other ones see hardfacing as a troublesome process that should be avoided.
Goto JINHUA HARDFACING to know more.
In reality, hardfacing is a special process that can be done with the only purpose of extending the services life of any equipment or surface. Now, if a metal part reaches a longer lifespan through hardfacing, more time can be used and fewer times will need to be replaced.
So, hardfacing is a good idea when there is a need for saving money. Even when hardfacing has several techniques to be done, it is not something too hard to understand. So, lets get started by defining what hardfacing is.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website TIG Hardfacing Equipment.
Hard facing tig - Welding Tips and Tricks
May sound cheap but I have tigged on my stick hardweld rods just fine. Just knock off the flux with a hammer and a quick buff on the wire wheel. Even looks purdy. Try a bit on some scrap if you have some. It is a surface bond.
I have a ton of stick rod left over from doing my bucket repairs way back lol. , , , LoCroMo and others.
They're junk for stick welding now with out treatment so I use them when tigging something I should be sticking (but I won't because I hate the fizzle and clean up now and it's just about as fast).
Same thing, knock off the majority of the flux with a hammer but now I don't even buff it. The remaining bit of flux on the rod just cools on the surface and flakes off like fish scales off the ripples leaving spatter free tig weld.
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