Differential Frequency Shift Keying - DFSK
Dec. 16, 2024
Differential Frequency Shift Keying - DFSK
What does DFSK stand for?
DFSK stands for Differential Frequency Shift Keying
For more information, please visit SHINDARY.
This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories:
- Information technology (IT) and computers
- Science, medicine, engineering, etc.
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Citations- MLA style: "DFSK." Acronym Finder. . AcronymFinder.com 16 Dec.
"DFSK.". . AcronymFinder.com 16 Dec. https://www.acronymfinder.com/Differential-Frequency-Shift-Keying-(DFSK).html
- Chicago style: Acronym Finder. S.v. "DFSK." Retrieved December 16 from
Acronym Finder. S.v. "DFSK." Retrieved December 16 from https://www.acronymfinder.com/Differential-Frequency-Shift-Keying-(DFSK).html
- APA style: DFSK. (n.d.) Acronym Finder. (). Retrieved December 16 from
DFSK. (n.d.) Acronym Finder. (). Retrieved December 16 from https://www.acronymfinder.com/Differential-Frequency-Shift-Keying-(DFSK).html
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