Mezzanine racking, it also belongs to a kind of storage racks, in planning Mezzanine racks warehouse need professional rack manufacturers to design. But the planning and design of the Mezzanine racking warehouse and our common ordinary racks warehouse or there is a big difference, consider the basic elements are also very much, so, now follow Mracking to understand the Mezzanine racking warehouse planning priority consideration of the basic elements which?
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custom mezzanine rack
The basic elements that are prioritized in the planning of a mezzanine type rack warehouse are as follows:
First ' specifications
Mainly refers to three aspects, namely: size, load-bearing capacity, the number of layers. The size of the rack is generally based on the user's demand for racks and goods to the size of the rack to set the conventional size: * 600 * mm; the number of layers is generally set to four layers, but also according to the needs of the number of layers to increase or decrease; the general range of its load capacity in 300KG-KG, of course, can also be customized according to demand.
Secondly ' mezzanine size and load-bearing capacity
The load-bearing capacity of the mezzanine is generally calculated on the basis of *kg/per square, and the maximum load-bearing capacity of the mezzanine is generally in the range of KG/m2; the size of the mezzanine is generally designed and customised according to the area of the warehouse.
Third ' net height
Here refers to the net height of the warehouse, the general net height of the warehouse is not less than 4.2 metres (except for special requirements, of course).
Fourth ' safety distance
If one side of the mezzanine needs to be built against the wall, then the safety distance between the mezzanine and the wall needs to be kept at 100mm.
Fifth ' mezzanine guardrail
The mezzanine guardrail must be designed and installed for safety reasons, usually the height of the guardrail is -mm.
Sixth ' material
Mezzanine shelves with materials generally choose steel plate, and plywood, and the steel plate of the highest price, quality is also the best; then is the plywood; of course, the choice of materials or need to be based on the user's own needs to choose.
Seventh ' access
In the Mezzanine shelf warehouse planning, but also need to consider an element, that is, the requirements of the channel, this requirement is also generally required according to the user's needs to design planning, but also consider a point is the presence of forklifts to do consideration.
Eighth ' the layout of the warehouse
In fact, the layout of the warehouse is really quite important, when the mezzanine type racks in the installation of all need to ensure that it will not affect the work in the warehouse, otherwise it is likely to affect the efficiency of the enhanced warehouse operations.
Ninth ' the column
Because there are sometimes columns in the warehouse, so in the design will need to be considered in the planning and design to avoid these obstructions.
Tenth ' the ground
In fact, the Mezzanine rack warehouse planning for its warehouse floor structure and flatness also have certain requirements, otherwise it will affect the installation and design of the Mezzanine shelf.
Eleventh ' fire fighting facilities and lighting
in the planning and design of mezzanine type racks warehouse also need to take into account the fire fighting facilities and lighting equipment.
mezzanine rack storage system
The three main elements of the planning and design of mezzanine type racking:
First: the amount of storage access
whether it is first-in-first-out or last-in-first-out access, access frequency or depending on the number of accesses, is to make the corresponding design storage racking scheme according to the data, and then reasonable storage.
Second: the shape of the goods
To know the weight of the goods can directly affect the load-bearing parameters of the storage racks, and the size of the goods will also directly affect the size of the racks, and according to the different goods, in storage will also consider the use of cages, bins, pallets and other work station apparatus to use, which in the planning and design of storage racks need to consider the shape of the goods.
Third: storage mode
In the planning and design of the mezzanine racking, storage is also a necessary factor to consider, because the storage of different goods, the corresponding choice of storage methods, handling equipment is also different. If a forklift truck is used for the operation, the distance between the racks will be affected; if manual storage is used for handling lighter goods, it is sometimes necessary to use a high lift truck or logistics trolley. In this regard, when planning and designing the mezzanine type racking, it is necessary to understand clearly which way the user needs to store the goods.
Mracking multi-storey mezzanine type racks structure:
1. Up and down stairs
Multi-layer Mezzanine racks with non-slip stairs, you can boldly rest assured that walking up and down, of course, can also be customized slides or lifts, more convenient for access to China, and the design of the production of rotary stairs can also play a role in saving occupied space;.
2. Column
The columns of the multi-layered mezzanine rack are also divided into main and secondary beams, which have a more optimised material cross-section and also have a strong load-bearing performance.
3. Bolt fasteners
Bolt fasteners do not need to be welded, installation and removal is more flexible and beautiful and solid; furthermore, when replacing the warehouse or use of the site can also be recycled.
4. Fasteners
Fasteners are mainly used to link the two floor plates and beams, in order to strengthen the floor plate will not have the phenomenon of shaking, so that its multi-layer Mezzanine shelves more fixed and safe.
5. Steel platform fasteners
The steel mezzanine fasteners are made of high quality cold rolled steel, which is durable and rust resistant, with epoxy resin coating on its surface, which is bright, pressure resistant, wear resistant and impact resistant.
warehouse mezzanine rack system
Features of Mracking multi-storey mezzanine type racks:
1. beautiful design and generous structure, assembled structure, easy and flexible disassembly, may also be arbitrary with.
2. Simple structure, low cost, optimized raw materials, smooth space between upper and lower levels, good overall performance, and good load-bearing capacity, safe and stable.
3. high space utilisation, good stability, expansion of the storage capacity of the warehouse, and multi-occasion application.
4. the requirement to build a combined rack platform field floor height minimum point shall not be greater than 4M.
5. goods up and down the floor can also be matched with lifting platforms, forklifts, cargo samples and other tools for operational operations.
6. facilitate access and inventory of goods.
7. reduce the extrusion and loss of goods and other characteristics.
Mracking here would like to say a little more: some basic requirements on the racks!
Requirements for manual access '
Manual access here means that when the goods need to be transported to the racks, it is necessary to rely on human resources to carry out the operation, but of course, you can also use a variety of handling tools to carry the goods, and then by manual handling on the racks; the upper attic can also be used with ladders, forklifts, hydraulic lifts, etc. to the second and third floors, and again transported to the location to which the goods are to be placed.
Requirements for smaller goods '
Generally speaking, smaller goods should be placed, so that not only can reduce the load-bearing pressure of the upper attic panels, but also ensure the safe storage of Mezzanine racks, so try to choose lighter quality, smaller volume of goods for storage, such as auto parts, electronic devices, etc.
Higher requirements for the warehouse '
General height range of each layer of the attic in 2M, warehouse height range in 4M above, this is based on: adult height more than 1.5M, and the height of the floor in 10CM, and plus the first floor above the space also need to consider the fire problem; such is the requirement design can also ensure that the fire and under the channel can have enough operating space.
In fact, if a rack warehouse is well planned, it can be based on the existing warehouse to maximize the use of warehouse space, but also to reduce the operating costs of the warehouse. But what kind of racks in the manufacture of factory before the need to go through a rigorous program design, only so as to ensure that the factory racks can warehouse to maximize the value of use.
high quality mezzanine rack
Mracking Mezzanine rack to pay attention to the usual management and maintenance of:
1. in the Mezzanine racking systems for access to goods to be sure to pay attention to the principle of lightly hold and lightly put.
2. to check from time to time whether there is loose between the parts of the racks, if found, to solve the treatment in a timely manner.
3. to regularly check whether there is a collision during the operation and damage, if so, timely repair repair work.
4. in the Mezzanine rack system to work in a safe manner, must ensure the safety of the operating process (for example, in the mechanical access to goods, collisions may occur will be overturned to, cause safety hazards to the operator, etc., these phenomena must be eliminated)
5. to pay attention to the various connections of the Mezzanine rack system, period of maintenance, in order to ensure that it can be used for a long time.
Mracking Mezzanine shelf use precautions:
1, usually pay attention to moisture and sun protection against rain, the racks are made of metal, the surface are baked paint, if long-term in a humid and sunny environment will reduce its service life, avoid long-term in places prone to rain.
2, the racks should be used after a period of time to check, see whether the parts between the loose or destroyed, found to tighten and replace in a timely manner.
3, different specifications of the racks bearing capacity, so the racks must be placed in the racks of goods within the load-bearing range, heavy goods on the bottom of the racks, light goods on the upper layer.
4, the Mezzanine shelf need to use the lift for operation, which requires the use of the lift to be very skilled, the need for professional staff to operate, avoid collision with the racks when operating to prevent the collapse of goods.
mezzanine rack system
This introduction to the mezzanine racking system is here for the time being, if there are still unclear please send inquiries to ask our engineers, we wish you find a suitable mezzanine shelf as soon as possible.
So you realize your warehouse needs more storage and you decide to buy a racking system. Great idea, but don't go rushing into it. Many factors should be considered when planning a new rack installation. Asking yourself the right questions will save you time, money and optimize overall productivity! Here are the top 5 focus points that will lead to the best decisions when choosing your future installation.
1-Why Do You Need the Rack?
Before acquiring a pallet rack, ask yourself why you need a new rack. Depending on the reasons, many different solutions will be available to you. For example, if your goal is to maximize storage, you should choose racks offering a greater storage density. If you need better product accessibility, you might consider racks that allow access to all your pallets, and if your motive is to optimize the warehouse space, then fewer aisles and higher density racks should be the solution. Every warehouse is different, and every warehouse has its own needs, problems, and solutions. Therefore, identifying your objective first will help you choose the product that is right for you.
2-What Types of Products Does Your Warehouse Store?
This aspect can easily go under the radar, but significantly influences the selected type of racks. From the different stocked goods to the services your warehouse offers -even the types of pallets you are using-, it is essential to know what goes in and out of your pallet rack systems. Is your warehouse storing small, light products? Is it storing solid or liquid goods? Are they frozen and require refrigeration?
Table 1: Types of Products on the Shelves
Table 2: Types of Pallets on the Shelves
It is important to ask yourself these questions as the rack's structure can vary based on the answers. Liquid goods are less stable and will react more if there is an impact on the rack, causing the liquid to be displaced. Also, certain racks like drive-ins or pallet flow require reusable pallets. So, if your entire warehouse runs with single-use pallets, make sure you are willing to make the switch. Almost every warehouse will be storing commodities, and some will be a lot more active on the distribution, which implies higher forklift circulation and increased chances of damaging the racks. Some will also include machinery for wrapping or special product treatments that can affect the warehouse's environment (heating and chemicals). Identifying all these conditions will make your planning easier and ensure you install the ideal rack for you.
3-What Types of Rack Are Available?
There are seven main rack types to consider, and knowing which one is the most appropriate for your warehouse can be overwhelming. Ideally, your rack arrangement will support your warehouse productivity goals and will be adapted to your specific product types. Here is a list of all seven, with pros and cons that can help you better understand which should be part of your arsenal or not.
Selective Single-Deep Pallet Racks
Figure 1: Single-Deep System
Selective Single-Deep is the iconic standard pallet rack. It is the best option for big warehouses where accessibility to the products and simple, low-cost solutions are focus points.
- Good overall pallet accessibility
- Pallets can be accessed on both sides
- The less expensive rack in the business
- Easy installation
- It takes up more space than other racking types
- While any pallet can be accessed, workers might have to travel long distances to get to the right product
Selective Double-Deep Pallet Racks
Figure 2: Double-Deep System
The Selective Double-Deep racks are very similar to the Single-Deep, but they'll let you gain storage density by adding more depth to the system. However, when placed against a wall or back to back, you will lose pallet accessibility as the ones in the back row won't be accessible anymore.
- Good density,
offering more storage
space than Single-Deep racks
- Maximizes the number of pallets per aisle ratio
- Easy installation
- Low cost
Pushback Pallet Racks
Figure 4: Pushback System
Pushback racks are great for maximizing storage and space. They function by a Last In First Out (LIFO) procedure, which means the last pallet going in the bay will be the first one to come out. Therefore, it requires products that can be stored for long periods of time.
- High inventory (
2 to 6 pallets deep
for the most common systems today, but could vary for custom projects)
- Dense and efficient storage
- Fast load/unload time
Drive-in Pallet Racks
Figure 5: Drive-in System
With Drive-In racks, what you gain in storage capacity, you lose in loading/unloading speed. They also function by a Last In First Out (LIFO) method, allowing products to be stored for long periods of time.
Higher inventory than Pushback racks (2 to 10 pallets deep
for the most common systems today, could vary for custom projects)
Dense and efficient storage
Makes static racking less expensive than it would be with Pushback racks
- Higher risks of rack damage due to forklifts having to drive inside the system
- Not every pallet can be accessed
- Slower load/unload process than Pushback racks
- Must follow the suitable loading/unloading sequence for safety
Pallet Flow Pallet Racks
Figure 6: Pallet Flow System
This type of rack is great for maximizing storage. It functions by First In First Out (FIFO) procedure, which means the first pallet going in the bay will be the first one to come out. Therefore, it can store both products that need to be sent quickly and products that last for a long period of time.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit rack china.
Highest inventory (2 to 20 pallets deep
for the most common systems today, could vary for custom projects) more than Pushback and Drive-In
Dense and efficient storage
Faster load/unload than Drive-In racks
System is loaded and unloaded from different sides
More forklift circulation
, so higher risks of rack damage
Can't access every pallet
More expensive than static racking
Carton Flow Pallet Racks
Figure 7: Carton Flow System
These racks are similar to Pallet Flow racks but are designed for small products. They function by First In First Out (FIFO) method, which means the first pallet going in the bay will be the first one to come out.
Can only store small size loads
Requires uniform merchandise in size and weight
More expensive than static racking
ASRS (Automated Storage and Retrieval System)
Figure 8: ASRS System
This system is a high-tech solution, great for inventory with uniform size and weight and warehouses requiring special conditions that human workers cannot operate' dark rooms for film and photo storage, for example.
Automatic inventory control
Reduced risk
of rack damage due to the absence of human error
Narrow aisles allow for more storage capacity
High density
Safer due to reduced forklift circulation
Little to no labor is needed
The most expensive racking option, due to equipment and installation
Long and complex installation time
Specialized maintenance is required to prevent from failing
4-What are the Building's Requirements?
Buildings have many different features that make a difference in a new rack installation. For example, the floor must be able to support all the loads imposed by the storage racks. Factors like slab thickness or heated flooring will make a difference in the total load the racking systems can support. If you do not have access to the data, an examination by a specialized engineering consultant may be required. Also, consider the floor area available before installing a rack. This will ensure :
The respect of building clearances
The planning of large enough
aisles for forklift movement
The safe loading of materials
Next, make sure that your racking configuration allows for the appropriate clearance from the ceiling to properly install the sprinkler systems. Finally, make sure the lifting equipment you are using is adapted to the dimensions of the new racks. High ceiling warehouses can accept taller pallet racks, but there is a chance your forklifts cannot reach the top level of these racks, especially if you have been running with shorter ones all along. In that case, new forklifts would need to be acquired, which can lead to unplanned expenses.
5-Where is My Warehouse Located?
The design of the pallet rack might be different if in a high seismic zone. Therefore, after you have selected your rack type, it is important to consider the geographic region in which the rack will be installed before setting them up.
Figure 9: Seismic Zones in the US
Figure 10: Seismic Baseplate
Above is a map of the seismic zones in the US. The pink regions like California and Hawaii are well known for their seismic activity, but keep in mind that the border between Tennessee, Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois is also a high seismic zone. The same goes for South Carolina and Alaska. Therefore, pallet racks in these regions will be designed in such a way that they are able to sustain seismic activity.
Once you have chosen and installed the best racking option to optimize operations safely in your warehouse, a few last factors will need to be addressed. When you acquire a new rack system, your rack manufacturer should provide the Load Application and Rack Configuration (LARC) drawings. Essentially, LARC drawings will tell you what the intended configuration of the rack is and the maximum load capacity given this configuration. So, once the storage shelving is installed and ready to go, it is the warehouse owner's responsibility to ensure the employees, especially the forklift drivers, are aware of the maximum load the rack can support. The correct way to do so is to make the load capacity plaque visible and accessible by posting it on the rack system itself generally at the ends of the aisles. Second, make sure the rack configuration is the same as on the LARC drawings. This second part is important because it is common for warehouses to make some changes and managers will be tempted to modify certain rack configurations to better suit their needs over time. If this is the case and the rack configuration needs to be changed to a configuration that differs from the LARC drawings, make sure it is done with the approval of a certified rack engineer.
As you can see, there are many things to consider when planning a new rack installation. Luckily, Damotech's certified rack engineers can guide you through the entire process. To talk to one of our rack safety experts, click here.
Advantages And Disadvantages Of ASRS - news - News - Jracking (China) Storage System
Pushback Racking 101 | 3D Storage Systems Limited
Drive-In Pallet Racking - Toronto (
Seismic Design Considerations for Warehouse Pallet Racking Systems (
Videos - RMI Safety (
Inspection checklist V4 Damotech
industrialsteelstoragerack.pdf (
single deep racking - Bing images
double deep rack drawing - Bing images
pushback rack system drawing - Bing images
Drive in Rack Structure - Bing images
pallet flow Rack Structure drawing - Bing images
carton flow Rack drawing - Bing
asrs Rack - Bing images
seismic zone map - Bing images
If you want to learn more, please visit our website wholesale pallet racking.
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